Dyes for Mining Operations
A Safer, Eco-friendly Alternative for the Mining Industry
Navipol® HF Special Liquid dyes are designed for use in mining operations with employee safety and environmental issues in mind. Today, water-gel explosives or slurries (mix composed of aqueous ammonium nitrate solution and a fuel source; gasoline or diesel) have largely replaced the commercial use of traditional TNT dynamite sticks. Explosive slurries are supplied in clear poly-tubing packages or bulk pump-able systems. For safety reasons, dyes are mixed in and used to visibly identify mining boreholes filled with colored slurry. Any color found in the mine, whether before or after detonation would indicate the presence of live explosive. Navipol® HF Special dyes are available in a variety of colors and formulated to meet all visible requirements depending on mining conditions.
Additionally, Navipol® HF Special dyes are a safer, eco-friendly alternative for the mining industry. The US EPA is responsible for regulating “use activities in mines” that may involve the release of regulated pollutants or chemical substances to the environment, in this case, leachability to underground aquifers that could feed natural potable water supplies. Substances such as benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene (BTEX contaminants) commonly found in some liquid dyes have been attributed to the leaching process from mining operations. Navipol HF Special Dyes are uniquely formulated products using environment friendly solvents that do not contain BTEX by-products.

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